Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Writer's Resolution for 2019

Here's some information I read for every writer's challenge. I find it helpful in our ever-challenging world of literature. The 5 tips below are from Michael Spelling's '5 Resolutions Every Writer Should Make!

1. Read a lot - and not only genre your write about. Reading books from different genres you don't usually read or write helps you learn new writing styles, which in turn improve your own style.
2. Join writing communities - You can do this in local groups, or if you're pressed for time, online writing groups. You will learn new ways on marketing, publishing, and improve your overall image with readers and writers alike.
3. Create your own blog - This is helpful in marketing your book(s) and you as an author. You can include excerpts from your book, write short articles, all to generate excitement and curiosity about you and your books.
4. Stay consistent with your writing schedules - It's difficult to find time to write, but keeping with your writing schedule is no different than making time to exercise. Put it on your schedule and stick with it. Whether it's during work lunch, first thing in the morning before everyone awakens, or 30 minutes when you get home. Staying consistent will help you finish the book(s) you're working on.
5. Publish a book of your own - This experience will educate you on the intricacies of independent publishing. It's a lot of work, but gratifying. You'll have to find editors, graphic designers for covers, reviewers. It's all worth the time and effort in the end, and don't be surprised if people start looking to you for help.

Hi! Click on the link below my photo to visit Amazon's David Lucero Page. Here you will find a list of my available published books in hard and soft cover, and kindle versions. Your time is important to me, and I appreciate your choice to read my books.

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All the best!

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  1. Hi! Didn’t get your message til now. The notifications must be off. Sure! Send me copy to
    Keep on writing!

  2. Hello sir. This is your ollllld pal Tim from CVHS.

    1. Hi Tim, sorry for the late response, but I don't get notices from comments when posted. How have you been?


  3. Hi Tim, sorry for the late response, but I don't get comment notices. How have you been?
